Receive the child in Reverence
Educate them in Love
Let them go forth in Freedom
- Rudolf Steiner
Staff Day Learning
On Tuesday, all teachers K-12, teaching assistants and wellbeing coordinators joined together for Day 1 of a four-day credentialed course on the Berry Street Education Model. The BSEM weaves the very best of contemporary understandings about neuroscience, positive psychology and trauma-informed practice with practical tools and strategies for educators to use with students with the aim of increasing student engagement. Best of all, our presenter, Dr Tom Brunzell, is a Steiner trained teacher with a deep understanding of Steiner education philosophy and practice. Our task now is to consider how best to adopt components of the Berry Street model into our programs of practice, especially as they relate to Glenaeon’s new Wellbeing Framework. Parents and carers can hear more about this work at the upcoming Parent Education session on November 2. You can register here.
Welcome to New Staff
This week we welcome the following staff to the Glenaeon community:
- Tanya McCall, Head of Drama. You can read all about Tanya in a previous edition of the Newsletter, here.
- Mick Matthews, PE and Sport Coordinator. Mick is a highly experienced PDHPE teacher and Sport Coordinator, recently retired from Moriah College in Queen’s Park. Mick will teach all of Jonas’ classes and coordinate the co-curricular program for Term 4. We are very grateful for his support at this time.
- Wilene Swart joins the Learning Enrichment Team as a Learning Enrichment Assistant.
- Karen Hoskin is at Glenaeon for a four-week practicum. Karen, a neuroscientist, is re-training to be a Science teacher. We hope you have a wonderful time in our school.
Good Luck Year 12!
On Wednesday, Year 12 started their written HSC Examinations. We wish the Class of 2023 all the very best as they complete this final set of school exams. You’ve got this!
Parent Survey Link
Each year we survey our parent community to seek feedback on your and your child’s school experience. The Annual Parent Survey will be conducted between Weeks 2 – 4 this term and I invite all parents and carers to take part in this important data gathering process. Your feedback will be analysed carefully and directly inform our planning for 2024 and beyond. The survey will open on Monday and each parent/carer will be sent an individual link via email.
Enjoy your weekend,
Diana Drummond
Head of School