Yr 10 Wheelchair Basketball

17 May 2023

In Term 2, the Yr 10 students, as part of their Physical Education Program, are completing a unit on Inclusive Sports. They have been learning about the concepts of inclusivity in sport and modifying sports and activities to be catered for a range of different abilities. We were fortunate enough to have the students participate in a session of wheelchair basketball, where they focused on how sports could be modified for physical impairments whilst having fun and developing new skills.

The students absolutely loved the session facilitated by Stephan Rochecouste from Wheelchair Sports Roadshows NSW. Stephan shared his story of navigating life with paraplegia due to spina bifida, including sporting opportunities and competitions in both wheelchair tennis and wheelchair rugby, as well as his tips and tricks for wheelchair basketball. It was a real eye-opener for the students and tied in perfectly with their learning about inclusion and ensuring all people have access to sport to stay healthy and active.