Bronze Year 9 Duke of Ed students serve others in the community

06 August 2020

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award has been a very popular program amongst Glenaeon students for some years now.  Participants are required to complete four sections -  Voluntary Service, Skill, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey - at each level:

Bronze (for those over 14 years), Silver (for those over 15 years), and Gold (for those over 16 years).

Some of our current Year 9 students participating in the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award mentor younger students in literacy and numeracy as their service to the community.  Some operate the sports equipment shed at break times to allow students to borrow equipment during lunch.  The garden is also a prime area for service as there is always a way to help the school community by assisting in the garden, turning the compost, caring for the chickens and general weeding and up-keep. Some students undertake their volunteering outside of school as well, working at the zoo and on various charities.

Numeracy mentors for Class 4 are:

  • Flynn
  • Keizo
  • Maadi
  • Nathan

Readers with Class 3 are:

  • Elke
  • Hana
  • Petal
  • Mili
  • Bibi
  • Jack
  • Max
  • Eliza
  • Clara
  • Natalie
  • Natalia

Sports Shed guards as service are: Elke, Ivan, Cooper

Garden volunteer: Taras

Well done to all the Year 9 participants. Donna Miller is our Duke of Ed program manager.

#worldready #dukeofedaus #DukeofEd