Year 9 bounce into Bubble Soccer

03 June 2021

Have you ever run around with a huge bubble (1.5m x 1.5m) surrounding you, whilst trying to shoot a ball into goal?

This is what bubble soccer is like. Last week we had students chasing a very small ball while cushioned by a transparent but huge and bulky bubble around each of them.

When two bubbles collide, because two students from a different team chase the ball, they bump into one another, often intentionally. Consequently, one student has to give, and one student will go down, fall, roll or tumble to the ground! No fear, the falls are well-cushioned and fun. Students can even do a 360-degree forward roll before coming to their feet again.

Other games such as bulrush were also played and therefore, no one in the PE Extension class was not exhausted after the 1-hour bubble intensive experience. Our students had so much fun and who doesn’t love getting fit with vigorous exercise whilst dressed in a bubble?

It left no one disappointed as everyone got to enjoy the bump and roll and kick and just be in a very different mode to what we usually are in.  Any younger student observing the Year 9 group was asking me when they can try out this fun activity – and they will, when they get to Year 9!

#glenaeon #soccer #bubblesoccer #PE #sport #fun