“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have”. – Maya Angelou
Since the start of this term, I’ve been watching the patch of playground adjacent to where I park my car at Middle Cove change form. At first there were a pile of sticks and some rocks, then a bamboo plank suspended from rope to create a swing appeared, and now, there is an informal boundary fence shaping the space. On close inspection I notice small alcoves for sitting, and coir padding, the function of which I’m not quite certain, but I know it’s been placed there intentionally and with great care. I’m not sure which group of primary students are responsible for this magnificent unfolding creation, and I’m not going to go out of my way to identify them; I’m simply content in the knowledge that our students demonstrate on a daily basis, the benefits of a curriculum that focuses so strongly on creative, artistic expression. In this unstructured and unhurried break-time play, our children are learning about the core principles of aesthetics and beauty, architecture and building, about co-operation, compromise and problem solving, and, about creativity. And that’s reason enough to smile and know they are doing just fine.
Music Concert
Students from Classes 5 and 6 and Years 7-11 are busy finessing their contributions for the annual Glenaeon School Concert at The Concourse, Chatswood on Friday 11 August. This is the first time in a number of years that our music concert has proceeded in its full form and there is much anticipation for its return. Be sure to purchase your tickets here! I look forward to seeing you at The Concourse next Friday evening.
Communications Review
This week we launch the Glenaeon Communications Review with the release of a survey, open to all members of the community. You can access it here. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the effectiveness of communications within the School and gain granular clarity on what needs to change. The survey will be available for responses for a three-week window, ending on Monday 28 August.
Compliments, Complaints and Feedback
Parents and Carers will notice the Policy Spotlight in this week’s Newsletter is on the School’s Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures. The document is comprehensive and provides a detailed overview of how the School handles concerns and/or complaints, and parents are encouraged to access the policy as and when necessary. Key points:
- Glenaeon is committed to handling complaints effectively and efficiently.
- The School welcomes feedback from all members of the school community and takes seriously all complaints or concerns that may be raised.
- The vast majority of issues causing concern in schools can be handled quickly and in an informal manner.
- Formal or serious complaints are best logged via the ‘Compliments, Complaints and Feedback’ tile on GLO or via email directly to me at headofschool@glenaeon.nsw.edu.au
- As soon as practicable after a formal complaint has been lodged, a process will be put into place to investigate the complaint and provide a response, in writing or verbally, to the complainant.
North Shore Schools Expo
And finally, if you happen to be in Chatswood this weekend, drop by the North Shore Schools Expo, being held at The Concourse, 10am – 4pm on both Saturday and Sunday, where you will find the Glenaeon stand, and members of our wonderful staff and students promoting Steiner Education and our amazing school.
Enjoy the weekend ahead,
Diana Drummond
Head of School