On another wonderfully dry and warm autumn day, some 320 Steiner school students from around the state, gathered in Ku-rin-gai Fitness & Aquatic Centre in West Pymble to swim in 50m races for points, enjoy good company, catch up with students from other schools and compete in relay medley events against other teams and even courageous teacher teams!
The students and teachers from Maitland’s Linuwel School, the Newcastle Waldorf School, the Central Coast Steiner School and Glenaeon had a most enjoyable day of out-of-classroom learning by competing in the three house colour teams, Blue taking away the win yet again with 520 points. Again, the best dressed students received extra points for their spectacular and colourful outfits.
As has now become customary, the relay-medley mixed-team races are the highlight as they are the only team event in an otherwise individual sport. The best teams then competed against mixed-teacher teams from all four schools and took away a victory again as they did in 2019. Only last year were the teachers victorious. But as we teachers are here for the students, they enjoy nothing more than seeing teachers try but loose again their efforts – good on them for putting in great team effort to beat three teacher teams in finals!
A day like this cannot be successful without the help of many teachers filling the positions of recorders, starters, announcers, timers and marshalling students in various ways. I want to thank all the teachers from all schools and in particular my Glenaeon colleagues for their kind help on the day: Jacqueline, Amelia, Raphaela, Stanley, David, Donna, Jamie, Alison, KG, Elena, Alice and Lidija.
Let’s do it all again next year!
Jonas Stoebe
#swimming #glenaeon #steiner #relay #bestdressed