Summer play at Preschool

15 February 2023

It's been a wonderful start to the new preschool year, with children, parents and teachers making the most of summer and engaging in supportive and adventurous activities.

The warm weather has encouraged garden and water play - digging trenches, sifting sand, and catching water from the pipe.

On a cooler day, the children took to the park in search of cicada shells, a much loved summer tradition and a beautiful lesson in life cycles.

Some very cute and fury members visited preschool, and the children enjoyed cuddles and care with some leaf munching Guinea pigs.

For some indoor fun, the children explored wet on wet watercolour painting. The painting process is taught with a told story about a little brush who went to visit the coloured house and the teacher demonstrates for learning through imitation. At the beginning of the year we work with one colour at a time for the child to really experience each colour. Yellow last week, blue this week and then yellow and blue combined to experience making green.

We thank our parents for joining us for morning tea preparation - a lovely activity to support the transition and arrival at Preschool. Helping, imitation and creating meaningful work.

If you know a family with children aged 3-5 years who are interested in Preschool, please share our upcoming tours on March 4 & 21.

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