After careful preparation and planning, Glenaeon conducted an emergency evacuation drill at our Middle Cove campus yesterday. Our Operations & Facilities Manager Chris Scrogie (Chief Warden) announced the drill, and sounded the alarm. Classes made their way out of Period 3 activity and up to the gates, up Glenroy and Greenfield Avenues and along Eastern Valley Way to our meeting point at Willoughby Park all under the watchful eye of traffic wardens, first aid crew, fire wardens, teachers and staff.
The staff were quick to act, and calmly guided the students to the nominated meeting spot in the park and returned to school promptly. It was great to see everyone in the school working as a team, and coordinating and executing the plan. All our students and staff now know what to expect in the event of an emergency, and we have honed our practices as a team to ensure the safety of our students and staff.
Thanks to Chris and the Professional Services Team who quickly accounted for every child, and to the Teachers for handling the drill so professionally.