Parent Craft on Wednesday mornings and Kindergarten Craft on Tuesdays are warming up as the weather gets cooler. The mornings are full of creativity and enjoyment and everyone is welcome on Wednesday mornings.
Kindergarten Parents meet once a week also, and have recently made beautiful felt flowers, starting with coloured roving (soft, fleeced wool), massaging and felting the colours together. Both groups have been making crowns - birthday crowns, as well as a play set for the Kindergarten classrooms.
Come and join these groups when you can - no experience is necessary and you will learn with the helpful hands of others. Younger siblings and babies are welcome and there is an indoor play area and an enclosed garden. These lovely social mornings are growing and becoming part of the fabric of our community once again. No bookings are required and attendance can be for as long or as little as you like. Attendees must follow the school's COVID safety plan and sign in, use hand sanitiser on arrival and please refrain from coming along if you feel unwell.
In coming weeks we will be having little workshops on dyeing our own felt, wet felting and continuing a variety of sewing projects. Email castlecrag@glenaeon.nsw.edu.au or contact Melony at Reception, Castlecrag Campus on 9958 0774 for any further information.