Yr 7 - 12 OneWave Fluro Mufti Day

10 May 2023

Last Wednesday 17th May, Yr 7-12 and The Middle Cove Staff wore mufti with fluro to bring colour to mental health in support of OneWave - a non-profit surf community raising awareness of mental health through a simple recipe…saltwater therapy, surfing and fluro.

OneWave founder, Grant Trebilco was unfortunately unwell and couldn't make it to present at assembly, but Teachers Donna Miller and Jonas Stoebe took to the stage on his behalf. Donna shared a very personal story about OneWave's involvement in her daughters mental health journey.
We thank Donna for her vulnerability and inspiring words. 

Donna and Jonas lead an important discussion around ways we can protect our own mental health and others around us. We talked about signs that we can see when a friend is needing a check in, we shared ways in which we 'free our funk' and how simply getting in to nature and sharing how we feel can make a big difference to our mental health.

Head of School Diana Drummond gave the students two things to think about:

1. To identify an adult at Glenaeon that they know they can go to if they experience any challenges with their mental health.

2. To think about ways in which they can do random acts of kindness everyday.

Thank you to Maya, Alex and the SRC for bringing this cause to Glenaeon. It was an uplifting, celebratory, informative and though-provoking assembly and we are grateful to our community for your donations of gold coins and fluro clothing.

Mental illness can be lonely and invisible. OneWave brings colour to these issues so we do not have to suffer alone.

To read more or donate to OneWave go to: