Michaelmas Festival

01 April 2019

All 6 primary school classes came together last Friday for the festival of Michaelmas

All 6 primary school classes came together last Friday for the festival of Michaelmas - midway between the summer and winter solstices. It is an experiential treat as the hall is filled with voices, rounds, drama and music. The story of St. Michael and the dragon centres around an evil dragon holding the East at bay, and St. George (an earthly representation of St. Michael) tames the dragon with the Sword of Justice and Courage. It is Harvest time, as we gather our stores for winter, and the story reflects the gathering of our internal strength and light for the coming darkness of winter. Each class rehearses their own part - songs, music, poetry and drama - and they come together to perform as one. The children were engaged all week - Class 2 prepared the Feast, Class 3 rehearsed being the dragon (thank you to Brendan Strobl), Class 5 played recorder and all classes rehearsed the story and their own songs. Thank you to all teachers and Class 6 teacher Rodney Dean for working together on this event.