Earlier this month, the primary school classes came together at our Castlecrag campus for the festival of Michaelmas - midway between the summer and winter solstices. The play follows the story of a fiery dragon who scorches the crops and threatens the lives of a group of humble villagers who appeal to their wise king for assistance. They are eventually saved by the mighty St Michael, who slays the dragon with his powerful sword! This story plays out annually at our Primary Harvest Festival – through song, verse and movement. The children shudder at the fearful dragon, sing of St Michael’s strength and at the end, enjoy the bounty of the harvest saved - corn on the cob and delicious bread rolls!
Each class rehearses their own part and they come together to perform as one. Thank you to the children, teachers and parents for working together on this event. It’s a beautiful example of how the Steiner Curriculum builds imaginative pictures that become a source of wisdom and nourishment for children as they grow.