We continue our get-to-know our Teachers series, and this week we catch up with Alice Livermore. Alice joined Glenaeon last year, but she has changed roles and is spreading her wings into areas that truly ignite her passion.
What is your new role at Glenaeon?
I have several roles at Glenaeon this year! Teacher-Librarian, Careers Advisor and Spanish Teacher.
- I have joined our wonderful librarian, Chris, in the library this year. While I support him as much as I can, my vision is to really step into the “teacher” part of being a librarian, that is, to actively monitor and assist students during study periods, and to support students and teachers by being a go-to person for resources or to simply find a good book! I have also been working in various classes teaching digital literacy (research/evaluative skills) and have started a lunch time reading and writing club. What I would like to see happen next is for the library to become more of a hub for celebrating community and culture, keeping up-to-date and participating in national and international events (like Book Week, NADOC week, etc.). Over the coming school holidays the library will be receiving a little bit of a makeover and I am very excited for the creation of our “fiction corner” which will give students a cozy place to lounge around and read and play boardgames during recess and lunch.
- I aim to support students from Year 9-12, advising them in regards to subject selection, work experience, HSC and career pathways (life after Glenaeon!). I am particularly passionate about supporting Year 12 students as this can be an overwhelming time in a young person’s life, not only with the pressures of the HSC but also with deciding what’s next. Fortunately there are so many pathways and opportunities available to students today, my goal is to make students aware of this and help them on their way. If students of any age are wondering what they should be thinking about or what they could be doing to prepare for their future, they should check out the Careers page on GLO. https://glo.glenaeon.nsw.edu.au/homepage/968/
- Perhaps the role that is closest to my heart because it is such a personal passion of mine is Spanish-teaching. It was my favourite subject when I was in school and was a huge part of my teenage years. I grew up on the west coast of America where Mexican-Americans and Mexican immigrants make up a significant portion of the population. It was very normal for anyone in the community to be able to speak at least a little Spanish and we were very familiar with Hispanic customs and celebrations. I think it is very exciting and appropriate that Spanish has been introduced at Glenaeon as there are so many students and teachers in our community that come from a Spanish-speaking background. 20 countries world-wide speak Spanish and it is the 3rd most spoken language in the world. Not only do I love the language, but it has been a joy introducing students to the vibrant and varying cultures of these Spanish-speaking countries. Currently Spanish is only being taught in year 7, but so many students in other year groups have expressed an interest and so we will be starting a Spanish Club next term that is open to all students.
What are your hobbies?
I love nature and animals. Mountains, trees, birds and dogs are my favourites of those. I love rock climbing, I love to read and I love to write poetry and short stories.