Big Kindy Father's Day Bushwalk and BBQ

13 September 2023

What a fabulous afternoon we had celebrating with our lovely Dads and Granddads for Father’s Day. We set out on our usual Friday bushwalk with extra dads in tow, down the bushy track to Warners Park where we found the rest of our dads and granddads waiting for us. Following a dad powered play, we gathered in a giant circle to share our blessing before enjoying a lovely BBQ lunch together.

A special thank you must go out to Arlo's Dad, James, for very generously providing all those yummy sausages. And of course, a huge thank you to Nevra's Dad, David, for not only lugging his own barbecue to the site, but also for organising and cooking those yummy snags and providing rolls, salads, sauces and watermelon. What a wonderful effort and afternoon, thank you everyone.

Melanie Harper
Kindergarten Teacher