Kindness at Christmas

03 December 2021

The final weeks of 2021, like much of the rest of the year, are proving to be very 'different'. We are all missing sharing our magnificent Carol Service, Advent Plays, The Shepherd's Play, the Big Handshake up the driveway at Middle Cove, and delicious celebratory feasts.

However, Class Teachers like to look for the silver lining, and in this instance, we have an opportunity to create a new tradition!  Someone watching and listening very carefully in the Primary School this week, might notice something a little bit special;  there are whispers of random acts of kindness, secret angels, cards for our local senior citizens, presents for the giving tree, and gratitude books!  In keeping with the spirit of Christmas, we are drawing attention to the importance of kindness this week.  Ask your children what they are doing in class and you might even like to have a family kindness week as well!