Yr 12 HSC Drama Showcase

29 August 2023

Congratulations, Year 12, on a successful night of Drama at the 2023 HSC Drama Showcase. Having experienced HSC Drama with students throughout the years, I am continually impressed by their tenacity and creative inspiration. This year is no different, assisting in the students’ projects has been a pleasure. On the night, we were taken on a theatrical discovery as we started with a Group Performance where students explored parenting styles through a comedic lens. Despite the exaggerations and focus on comedy, the audience was deeply moved to think about the issues they raised throughout the performance.

Additionally, we played designers and listened to the vision for a costume design by Eva, showing how fundamental production is to the whole vision of a play. Next, we went to the movies and reflected existentially on Sophia's Video Drama and the power of art to affect change. Lastly, we emotionally connected with Nathan's Individual Performance of a Monologue, where the essential character deals with grief. What a night.

There have been extended, tireless hours, continual feedback and revisions leading to the night’s presentations. It was challenging, but significant growth, personal meaning, and achievement came with that for the students, and I want to wish them all the best for the rest of their HSC.

Brenton Fletcher,
Former Head of Drama