Glorious Gardening at Middle Cove

17 June 2021

An enthusiastic group of young and old enjoyed radiant sun and inner warmth at a Parent Education event transforming one of the biodynamic garden beds at Middle Cove recently, with the practical guidance of Glenaeon gardening teachers Sandra and Kathy. 

The gathered group weeded, pulled up plants at the end of their seasonal flourish, for composting, turned the soil, transplanted some good companion plants from other beds, and planted seedlings Kathy had nurtured until participants settled them into their new homes and bedded them down with a drink. The group completed their morning session sharing delicious home-baked sourdough by Sandra and enjoyed Kathy’s herbal tea.  The group were even gifted overflowing parsley and cress to take home for their own gardens.  A happy and satisfied team took off home to continue some gardening there, and are now waiting in the wings to hear what may be springing into garden community life next term!