Class 6 Ancient World Main Lessons + A Visit to Parliament

08 November 2023

In Class 5 and 6, our students learn about the birth of Democracy in the Ancient World of Greece and Rome. This year, our studies in Australian history culminated with the story of the birth of Australian nationhood, with our Federation, in 1901. So, to celebrate our Australian Democracy, Class 6 visited the NSW Parliament and experienced through role play, how our democratic institution works. We also visited the Royal Botanical Gardens and learned about Indigenous Knowledge and Culture and how the wisdom and knowledge of the past can help us care for our people and the land by reading the signs of nature.

Following our two Ancient Rome Main Lessons, Class 6 students were asked to provide an independent research project on a topic of their choice. Their work was very impressive as evidenced by just a few samples here. The students were also involved in multiple mosaic projects over terms 3 and 4, including decorating a terracotta pot, our tree stump-table contributions to the Silent Auction and a Birdbath that will be given as our gift back to the school.