Celebrating the Seasons

03 February 2022

“If people can take part in an annual cycle of seasonal rites of passage that have an observable reality in the changes of nature, they may, it is hoped, feel a stronger responsibility as adults for the earth and its needs, and not be confined to their heads.” - Rudolf Steiner

Autumn Festival
Our seasonal festivals, such an integral part of Steiner education and of the Glenaeon student experience, ground and enrich us. They are cause for celebration for the predictability of the natural rhythms of life and are a strong reminder of the strength and power of Mother Nature to provide in abundance and our human responsibility to care, protect and be grateful for our incredible planet. Now, more than ever, to be grounded by these fundamental values provides calm and reassurance in a chaotic world.

Our Primary students are looking forward to marking the Autumn Festival in a number of ways including the re-enacting of the story of St. Michael, a tale with a strong message of inner resolve, initiative and the triumph of light over darkness. In addition, students are asked to bring in an item of non-perishable food as a symbol of harvest, forming the centrepiece of the festival, amid a feast of colour and autumn song. In High School, our students engage in a series of activities woven into the final weeks of the term in which we lift the yearly cycle to the cultural and societal level. Mentors and Guardians will lead discussions about gratitude, community and generosity and the final Assembly of the term will centre on the harvesting and celebrating of the term’s work. An initiative of our Yr 12 Environment group, we will also mark Earth Hour with some time spent ‘off the grid’ next week.

Non-perishable food collection on both campuses will begin next week and be followed by perishable items in the final week of term. Oz Harvest gratefully receive our donated food and use it to provide meals and food items across Sydney.

SEA Insights Survey
Steiner Education Australia (SEA), the peak representative body for Steiner education in Australia, in consultation and collaboration with Steiner schools, are investing time into exploring how we can grow positive awareness of Steiner education in Australia. As part of this process, SEA are seeking ideas and insight from parents, students, and staff across our school community.   

Community members can provide input into this work by completing an insights survey by using the following link: Click here to take the survey.   The survey is open now and will close at midnight on Friday 24th March 2023.

We are currently undertaking a review of communication processes and systems across the school with the central aim of streamlining message communication to parents and families. Be assured that feedback collected from the 2022 Parent Survey is being utilised as part of this work. In addition, a random selection of parents will be contacted to offer some end-user insights into the current communication experience. As always, parents are welcome to provide their thoughts directly to me via

Recent Graduate Visit
A small number of the Class of ’22 returned to campus on Tuesday. What a gift to listen to their stories about life beyond school, work and university adventures and plans for travel. You can read more about their visit below. 

Warm Regards,
Diana Drummond
Head of School