Bush Regeneration project, a Natural Progression

17 September 2020

A select number of students from each of Year 7 & 8 have met for a total of eight Fridays since commencing the Bush Regeneration program back on February 14, 2020, with a brief lapse for Covid-19 but has resumed again since August.

Richard  Blacklock and an apprentice have led us as contracted by Willoughby Council for a total of five sessions thus far. As the Liaison between the school and Mr. Blacklock, I support the students in this regeneration project each week. The Bush Care staff member has been present and supportive with some sessions too. 

The students are enthusiastic and motivated to learn and to practice some of the principals of Bush Regeneration. They are interested in plant identification, the methods of weeding and the techniques for planting the desired Native Species. They are also making records by preserving some plant samples, taking photos and scribing. 

Additionally, four wheel barrows of weeds harvested from Scott’s Creek (each session) are delivered to the school’s Biodynamic Garden. A ‘Weed Tea’ is subsequently brewed which harnesses the minerals in the weeds. After fermentation this liquid is used to fertilise impoverished areas of the school grounds. The remaining carbon of the weeds is then composted in one of our many garden compost systems. 

As the students are already familiar with the school garden’s sustainable practices this bush regeneration project is a natural progression that deepens their capabilities for constructive community development around nature’s waterways. 

Sandra Frain
Gardening Teacher