And just like that, the 2023 school year is done! And what a year it’s been, complete with wonderful highs and incredible lows. We have much to be grateful for, and it with a deep sense of gratitude that I will approach this festive season. Gratitude for our deeply connected community, our strength, for our students and the optimism and joyful exuberance they bring to school each day and to our families, whose hopes and dreams for their children we nurture and support as they grow, change, make mistakes, meet and exceed expectations. It is a privilege to have travelled this year with you.
I would especially like to thank our amazing staff; teachers, assistants and the extended professional services team, who shape the daily experience of our students. All have stretched themselves above and beyond this year to provide exceptional care and learning for all. They are passionate and dedicated and deserving of a restful break, spent with family and friends. We pay special tribute to Anne Rouse, who retires after 42 years of exceptional service. Anne was appointed by our School’s founder, Sylvia Brose as a Class 6 teacher in 1981. In the years since, Anne has taught literally hundreds, if not thousands of students at Glenaeon and each of them has benefited from her obvious joy and passion for teaching. Anne will remain a casual teacher next year and is already booked in for several Main Lesson cycles in 2024. We also farewell Jenny Macgonigal, who is leaving after nine years at Glenaeon. Jenny will leave a legacy of inspired teaching across two departments. She is loved by our students and respected by her colleagues. All the best to both of you for your exciting next chapters.
We have much to look forward to in 2024. Our new Strategy is close to being finalised, and the Wellbeing Framework is ready for launch. In addition, Glenaeon will transition to a new Student database system called Compass, that will see parents and carers interact with the school via an efficient and user-friendly platform to access and communicate school related functions including:
- Attendance
- Consent and permission forms
- Current and previous school issued Student Reports
- Notifications for school news and announcements
You can read more about Compass here.
For those of you that are leaving Glenaeon this year, I wish you all the very best for the future. Know that you will always be welcome at our school and that your contribution to this place is deeply valued.
Diana Drummond
Head of School