Growing More

03 February 2022

“A healthy social life arises when the whole community finds its reflection in the mirror of a person’s soul, and when the virtue of each person lives in the whole community.”
- Rudolf Steiner

Growing More
2024-27 Strategy Launch
Last night, Glenaeon’s new Strategy for 2024-27 was launched via zoom by Glenaeon Board Chair, Peter Candotti and me, to an audience of some 70+ community members. The strategic intent, Growing More, along with its resulting commitments and priorities, stems from a deliberate and collaborative process from all key stakeholder groups within our community.

At the core of any effective plan lies a reflection of the school’s mission, vision, and values, acting as crucial guides in shaping our aspirations for the future. Importantly, the 2024-27 strategy defines who we are, leverages our strengths, and sets ambitious targets for what lies ahead. Our plan revolves around four inspiring commitments, each backed by a set of priorities that will steer our efforts over the next four years. These endeavours will shape the narratives of our future, positively impacting the children and young individuals under our guidance. We eagerly anticipate sharing news of its progress with you as we step through the next few years.

For those that missed the launch, a copy of the presentation can be found here. In coming weeks, answers to questions posed during the presentation will be distributed widely.

As the weather starts to change, parents and carers are reminded of the uniform requirements and options for the cooler months. These are summarised here and we ask for your support in adhering to our high expectations with regard to uniform. As a related aside, parents and carers of students in Years 10-12 will be pleased to hear that we now have a larger school bag available for the senior years, complete with laptop sleeve.  This will be available to order in coming weeks through the usual methods.

Term Dates 2025
Term dates for 2025 are available here and on GLO. Parents and carers are reminded that Glenaeon’s non-term periods are generous and that it is an expectation that family holidays are taken during these gazetted periods. Approval of leave applications that fall outside these periods are not automatic.

Parent Education Program – Term 2
Finally, I want to make mention of the quality Parent Education program offerings this term, providing a balance of valuable insights, skills and opportunities for sharing of collective wisdom. You can access the program here. I particularly want to make mention of the session on the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) on Tuesday 4 June, via zoom.  Glenaeon teachers have now completed three days of BSEM training and are using strategies introduced on these days in classrooms. This session, hosted by BSEM trainer, Dr Tom Brunzell, will cover how BSEM enables schools to support students’ self-regulation, relationships, and wellbeing to increase student engagement and significantly improve academic achievement. 

Enjoy this rainy weekend!

Diana Drummond
Head of School