Each New Day Offers Continual Revelation

03 February 2022

We must be educated in inner human modesty, so we can recognize that we are not, even for a moment, complete as human beings.
Instead, we continue to develop from birth until death.
We must recognize that every day of life has a special value, that it is not without purpose. We need to learn that each new day and each new year offers continual revelation.

Rudolf Steiner

This thought-provoking quote from Rudolf Steiner, shared at the recent Term 1 Steiner Delegates meeting gives pause for reflection and deep contemplation as we strive to continually develop, seek meaning and purpose in our work, or play, and in the complex task of raising young people with good character.

With the glorious Easter break still in our hearts and the school holidays tantalizingly close, it’s easy to imagine that activity at Glenaeon is slowing, and yet, nothing could be further from the truth! As I type this, Year 9 are down at the Oval enjoying their final session of The Cove (it’s someone’s birthday and a chorus of happy birthday song just echoed up through the valley), and final tweaks and paint are being applied to the set of Les Misérables. Tonight is opening night, the buzz is palpable and we are so looking forward to bringing this show to you! Our Year 12’s are settling into their first night of their final outdoor education experience at Glenaeon, a journey that will culminate in 48 hours solo in the bush, an impressive accomplishment indeed. At Castlecrag, our students in Kindergarten and Classes 1 and 2 are finalising their Main Lesson cycles following a magnificent Harvest Festival play for all Primary students, hosted by Class 6. This play re-enacts the story of St. Michael, a tale with a strong message of inner resolve, initiative and the triumph of light over darkness.

On quite another note, I’m very pleased to announce that Glenaeon’s Strategy for 2024-27 was substantially approved at the March Board of Directors meeting. Parents and Carers can find out more about the School’s new Strategy on Thursday, 2 May at 7pm. Hosted by Glenaeon Board Chair Peter Candotti and me, this session will provide an opportunity for attendees to hear about our strategic intent and be introduced to other fundamental aspects of the Strategy. Details for how to book will be provided shortly. In the meantime, please mark your calendars!

School breaks for the term holiday next Wednesday, our final day of lessons for the term. I wish all families a restful and rejuvenating time. We will see you in Term 2!


Diana Drummond
Head of School