Term 3 is Underway!

03 February 2022

Welcome to Term 3
How delightful to hear the buzz of students back on campus this week. There is always a sense of anticipation and renewal with a new school term, and I trust that the term ahead brings great learning and growth for all. A very warm welcome to the 11 students and their families who join the Glenaeon community this week. You are already a valued part of our school’s rich tapestry. A reminder to all parents and carers, new and not-so-new, to please make contact with your child’s teachers, their Mentor or Guardians and your Class Parent Contact, if and when you have questions.

Staff Day
Aside from personal planning and program preparations, our Staff Day on Tuesday saw the English, Mathematics and Modern Languages teams work on changes to NESA Syllabus’ and Glenaeon curriculum, and the entire Glenaeon staff partake in the great Campus Clean Up, culminating in a Staff BBQ lunch. Enjoy some photos below.

Parent Education
We are thrilled to announce our Parent Education program for Term 3, with six new events happening from July - September. Please view the program here and below and visit the links to secure your places.

Communications Review
I have written before about the need to address some aspects of the way in which the School communicates with parents and the broader community.  We are slowly working towards new ways of doing things, with the aim of the fortnightly Newsletter being the primary source of information and GLO for those communications at Class or Year Group level.  Before we make widespread changes, I have asked Kath Kissell, as Marketing and Communications Manager, to conduct a broad-ranging communications review, the purpose of which is to evaluate the effectiveness of communications within the School and gain granular clarity on what needs to change. Methodology for the review will include telephone conversations with parents, a focus group dialogue, and a survey, the latter open to all members of the Glenaeon community.  It will be available for responses for a three-week window, beginning in Week 3.

Enjoy the weekend ahead,
Diana Drummond
Head of School