A Winter Solstice Blessing

03 February 2022

 May you find peace in the

promise of the solstice night,

That each day forward is

blessed with more light.

That the cycle of nature,

unbroken and true,

Brings faith to your soul

and wellbeing to you.

Rejoice in the darkness,

In the silence find rest,

And may the days that follow 

be abundantly blessed.


Walking the Spiral
On Wednesday, I joined with Year 8 to walk the spiral, an important ritual in all Steiner schools across the world, marking the Winter Solstice and a time for deep introspection and contemplation. For us in the southern hemisphere, the occasion denotes mid-year as well, so a fitting time to shed negative thoughts and energy that no longer serve us well and to nurture that inner light that burns within us all. A moving and very special experience, I encourage parents and carers to ask their children about this festival experience. And if you missed the community spiral walk on Wednesday evening, do look out for it next year – a gift of strength, inspiration, and hope.

Annual Giving Campaign – Final Opportunity before EOFY
A reminder that the Annual Giving Campaign is still active, right up to the end of the financial year on June 30. This year, we are launching the Glenaeon Staff Innovation Fund, designed to support our staff in the pursuit of innovative projects and ideas that will inspire them and our school community to remain at the forefront of what is possible, now and into the future. You can read more about our Annual Giving Campaign here.

Holidays Ahead
This is the final Newsletter before the break, a much-needed time for families to reconnect, travel and live life at a different pace for a few weeks. Make time to do away with electronic devices, to rest, read books, play and climb trees. Next term, we welcome new opportunities for learning and for growth and I look forward to welcoming students back to school on Wednesday, 19th July.

Warm Regards,
Diana Drummond