In Full Swing Towards a Meaningful Life!

03 February 2022

Each of our campuses are humming with Term 1 energy and a rhythm that’s now nicely taking shape as co-curricular activities get underway and classes settle into refreshed or new routines and expectations. As always, my interactions with students are a gentle reminder of our ambitious vision: to support the growth and development of young people who are independently able to impart meaning and direction in their own lives. I’m paraphrasing a quote attributed to Rudolf Steiner that remains as visionary today as it was some 100 years ago, and indeed as central in Steiner schools as ever.

A related question is often asked of me, ‘But how do you see this rather lofty ideal play out at school each day?’ It’s a good question, and it’s one asked by prospective families considering a Steiner education for their child. My answer is always the same, although the examples I draw on to illustrate the point come fresh to mind from my interactions with students each week. A child’s development and growth towards becoming who they will be is complex and involves a myriad of micro-moments with people, the environment and even within themselves. These small moments seem inconsequential in isolation, and yet, when observed over time and in the context of Glenaeon’s rich, holistic program, can create an experience that does indeed support young people to lead meaningful lives.

This week, I watched Class 1 work confidently and capably with chalk to create form drawings in the Castlecrag playground that will very soon translate into the writing of letters. I received a beautiful bunch of flowers from the garden from a group of Class 4 students, brought with humble reverence and compassion. I engaged with curious, socially aware and disciplined Year 10 students during Main Lesson, and then, at Recess on Wednesday I enjoyed the creative spirit of Glenaeon’s SRC who designed and executed a carefully considered event to promote inclusion and belonging amongst the student body. These are the everyday interactions that build the attributes that our children will need and use to live a meaningful life.
What could you add to this list?

Diana Drummond
Head of School