A Triumphant End to Term 1

03 February 2022

A Musical Triumph!

Tonight, the final performance of Year 10’s production of AIDA - School Edition will be performed in the Sylvia Brose Hall, no doubt to rousing applause and heartfelt gratitude for all who have contributed to its success. What a delight to witness my first Glenaeon Year 10 Musical! Such a wonderful demonstration of all that we value as a school and so magnificent to witness individual characters shine and the power of the whole group to come together to produce something so special, accompanied by a live Orchestra featuring a number of Glenaeon students. What a fantastic show!! Congratulations to Brenton Fletcher, Ian Munns, Alleyne Moss, Clair Cisterne, Evan Sanders, Raphaela Mazzone and the many, many staff members who have helped bring this show together. You are exceptional humans and our students are lucky indeed to have you lead them through such an ambitious project.

Glenaeon’s Community Involvement Program (CIP)

Glenaeon’s strong community spirit is built through ongoing and intentional efforts to build bonds within and across year levels and is one of our most precious, intangible assets. When a child joins our school, parents and carers become part of our community as powerful partners for their child’s learning and also in supporting more broadly the School’s vision to nurture a compassionate and collaborative school community working towards a common purpose. Glenaeon’s Community Involvement Program (CIP) provides avenues for parents to contribute to the school through active service, the kind of service that makes a real difference to the student experience each day. Even the smallest number of hours is appreciated, so please consider how you might contribute in this way in 2023. More information on the CIP can be found via GLO. Alternatively, parents and families may wish to pay a levy in lieu of volunteering, payable via the termly Accounts Statements.

End of Term 1

Thank you for a wonderful term, Glenaeon! It has been delightful getting to know students and families this term – I’m deeply appreciative of the ongoing warm welcome received. School breaks for Easter and the term break next Wednesday, our final day of lessons for the term. Be sure to rest, relax and refuel over the coming break by reading, walking, climbing trees, or doing whatever nourishes your soul and lifts the spirit.

Warm Regards,
Diana Drummond
Head of School